Katja Rego L.M.H.C.

954.255.5715 | KatjaRego@AOL.com

English / Português / Español

NPI 1700936671
FL Lic. MH-4491

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Nothing in life is worth more than our mental health. Without it we cannot reach our potential nor achieve the balance necessary to maintain success in our demanding lives. Many people don’t believe this, they fail to understand the importance of maintaining a healthy emotional life. Yet, it has been estimated that 70% of doctor visits are due to mental health reasons (ie. backaches, migraines, ulcers, insomnia, weight problems, etc. have been linked to stress or other psychological factors).

Often people question whether psychotherapy can solve their problems. In actuality, psychotherapy allows individuals to learn new ways of addressing their problems. Most people attempt to solve their problems the best way they know how. But it is important to realize when what has been tried doesn’t work and is not solving the problem.

Psychotherapy is about helping the individual or family understand the problem from a different perspective, focusing on the feelings, behaviors and thoughts that are perpetuating the issue. Ms. Rego's approach is to use the process of therapy to bring feelings into consciousness, so the client learns new ways to respond and reframe how their issues are perceived. This allows the individual to feel, act and think differently in order to be able to uncover a solution that works better.

It’s important to understand that seeking help from a mental health professional is a sign of strength. It is much easier to not deal with the cause of the problem and just ignore it than to face what is going on and do the necessary work to allow for healthy emotional well-being. Maintaining good mental health is crucial to a productive and vital life.

Most individuals, at some point, will deal with stress or anxiety associated with relationships, feelings of self-worth, job disatisfaction or life changes. At other times, it is their children that are experiencing difficulties. It is during these times that it is essential to find a professional who is caring as well as experienced.


Nada na vida vale mais do que a nossa saúde mental. Sem ela nós não conseguimos atuar o nosso potencial nem ter o equilibrio necessário para manter sucesso em nossa vida. Mas muitas pessoas não acreditam que fazer análise com um psicólogo pode realmente ajudar. Na realidade, o tratamento com uma boa profissional proporciona novas habilidades e resistências para enfrentar os problemas da vida.

Katja entende que mesmo quando as causas e problemas são aparentemente percebíves, muitas vezes a pessoa se sente frustrada diante de varias tentativas feitas anteriormente. Katja acredita que o trabalho da psicoterapeuta é ajudar a pessoa ou a família a relacionar o problema com os sentimentos, comportamentos e pensamentos que estão sendo mobilizados no momento. O processo da terapia inclui o autoconhecimento das emoções, o aprendizado de novos comportamentos e finalmente envolve uma nova interpretação do modo de pensar. Somente assim podemos sentir, agir e pensar diferentemente para enfrentar o problema que nos afeta.

Quando se considera psicoterapia é importante saber que procurar ajuda não é um sinal de fraqueza. Na verdade isto mostra sua força e demonstra sua vontade de superar seus problemas. Então não há necessidade de continuar sofrendo, procure a ajuda de um profissional. Isto é um bom sinal, indicativo que você se valoriza.